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Stopped for some gas; didn't realize this was THE Mecca of private spaceflight. My wife and I got a tour by Mr. Witt, the general manager (and test pilot, combat aviator, first to fly the F-18).
Wow. These men are giants. Pictures:
Blogging lite until we reach Tejas. But I'll do a little photo blogging.
...maybe only Obama can take on earmarks and entitlements.
I like this Chief Performance Officer: she should build her staff out of unfilled FTE's littering the Guvsphere.
It's way early, but I am warming to the guy: his assault on "Guns" may just turn out to be an assault on the "Butter Masters" and their enablers.
My morning; spent at the ER.
iPhone makes the time fly.
Good for short, terse posts.
I still live, by the way; I've been busy changing Command and getting ready to move to another state.
Hope to be back to flash fiction, drawing and blog blathering soon.